How to be successful in my course guidelines
Which one of my course guidelines connects with you?
A warm welcome with supportive guidelines is how I start my Peninsula College courses to encourage and overwhelm my students on the first day. Of course, I make it as pretty and action-packed as possible!
In March 2022, I presented my guidelines as part of my presentation during the Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Conference called “Message in a Bottle – Play, Stories, and Iteration”.
The blurb – Along a virtual sandy shore, discover how to deliver meaningful messages through an encouraging method of incorporating continuous improvement encompassing authentic intentions and inclusion. Explore a set of success classroom guidelines to apply your learning outcomes with playful prototyping, parallax learning approach, and storytelling system that inspires scholarship through iterative design thinking, transformative experiences, and visual vocabulary to effectively inspire achievement.
Like my other stacked and layered Learning Systems that I have created over the years, it connects and communicates with color, design, and iconic imagery. The lesson and presentation contain images and examples how to apply these guidelines and why they are important in a learning and teaching environment.
At the end, I ask the students who have taken courses with me before to please share any advice they have for their new classmates or share an example of how they applied a guideline in our discussion board. Or, share which guideline did they connect with. It is lovely to see how supportive classmates are with each other through this lesson.
My published presentation is available to watch as well. Please give it about 80 seconds before I start speaking.